I have rounded up 24 of the best award-winning poetry books in the hope that this list will make it easier for you to find your next poetry read. I also hope that it will introduce you to some poets you aren’t familiar with, broaden your knowledge of the poetry world, and leave you wanting to read even more. That’s my dream, anyway! I decided to stick to books published in the last 15 years. It seems to me that the poetry world is particularly exciting and vibrant right now, and I wanted to celebrate that. Sticking to contemporary poetry is also a way to narrow down an enormous field. If this list inspires you to read more poetry, I have links to further recommendations for you at the end, including more contemporary works and older ones. But for now, let’s get to the books!

24 of the Best Award-Winning Poetry Books

I hope you find some poetry you love from this list of the best award-winning poetry books! If you are looking for even more great poetry, check out this list of 8 great poetry collections from 2021 and this list of 50 must-read poetry books. Book Riot is also ready to help with even more recommendations of contemporary poetry books. Enjoy!

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