I’m not typically one to love short stories over a novel, but a well-done anthology is a unique kind of thrill. Much like some kind of literary gymnastics, each author takes the spotlight in turn to deliver their own unique take on the same theme—and the results are always a delight. Readers probably won’t love every story equally, but I always come out of an anthology feeling as though my imagination has been stretched, and I almost always have one or two new favorite authors to add to my list, as well. So, because we all really need it this year, here are some of the very best speculative fiction anthologies of 2020. Enjoy. If you’re not already sold, the blurb compares it to Beyonce’s Lemonade for teens and also Octavia Butler in one breath. But if you want the juicy details, this collection quietly revolves around a series of stories in which the classic villains of fairytales win.  The collection features stories from Kathleen Alcalá, Carmen Maria Machado, and Ernest Hogan, among other established and new voices.  The authors featured in this collection make up a true list of speculative fiction contemporary rock stardom, including V. E. Schwab, Heidi Heilig, Rebecca Roanhorse, Samira Ahmed, and more.  

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