The fact of the matter is that a celebrity writing a book is most likely famous for something other than writing, which is where ghostwriters and writing partners come into play. But even then, sometimes a celebrity is in fact handed a book deal because they’re going to sell books as opposed to publishing something worthwhile. We can still love the celebrity for whatever they became famous for and what they excel at, but if their book made this list I gathered of the worst celebrity books, that probably means you can avoid hitting that “want to read” button. What are some of your least favorite books written by celebrities? You might also be interested in reading Candid Portraits or Ghostwritten Fluff?: The History of Celebrity Books and the Best Recent Celebrity Books.

9 of the Worst Celebrity Books Ever Written - 169 of the Worst Celebrity Books Ever Written - 809 of the Worst Celebrity Books Ever Written - 539 of the Worst Celebrity Books Ever Written - 769 of the Worst Celebrity Books Ever Written - 699 of the Worst Celebrity Books Ever Written - 449 of the Worst Celebrity Books Ever Written - 629 of the Worst Celebrity Books Ever Written - 949 of the Worst Celebrity Books Ever Written - 71