Encanto is a musical animated film following a multigenerational Colombian family blessed with a variety of magical gifts. First released in November 2021, it’s the 60th film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios, and none of us have been able to get the catchy songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda out of our heads since it hit screens. Visit the Madrigal’s casita and we’ll tell you where you’d fit into the fantastical family. And after you’ve taken the Encanto quiz, scroll down to find out more about which book you should read! Although the answers come from a wide variety of genres, they generally contain themes of family legacies, power, responsibility, and a touch of magic. Heck, they’re all wonderful books. Maybe you should actually just read all of them!

Encanto Quiz

Thanks for taking this Encanto quiz! Find out more about your result and see all possible book pairings below:

Abuela Alma

You’re Abuela Alma, the tough but caring matriarch of the Madrigal family! That means you should read…


You’re Antonio, the youngster with a gift for charming animals of all shapes and sizes! That means you should read…


You’re Bruno, a reclusive and misunderstood psychic waiting to be welcomed back to the family Madrigal! That means you should read…


You’re Camilo, the trickster with magical shapeshifting abilities! That means you should read…


You’re Dolores, the quiet cousin who knows everyone’s secrets! That means you should read…


You’re Isabela, the sister who gets all the luck and has a magical green thumb! That means you should read…


You’re Julieta, the talented chef whose food can cure any malady! That means you should read…


You’re Luisa, the super strong oldest sister who will do anything to help her family! That means you should read…


You’re Mirabel, the late-blooming protagonist with a heart of gold! That means you should read…


You’re Pepa, the mercurial aunt whose emotions change the weather! That means you should read… You may also enjoy:

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