Naruto is a Japanese manga created by Masashi Kishimoto. The first volume was published in 1997 and it tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who dreams of becoming the Hokage, the leader of his village. However, inside Naruto lives a monster known as the Nine-Tails, a nine-tailed fox hungry for blood and revenge, making his journey way harder. What makes Naruto so endearing is the hero himself. Naruto was shunned by the whole village because of his Nine-Tails and lived a pretty lonely life until he found friends and family who stood by him. He was a hero you could root for, who gave his all to fight for his village, and never, ever gave up on his dreams. Through hardships and pain, he, somehow, always stood up and fought his next battle. This list will categorize certain aspects of the manga and from there, list new manga that share these themes.

If You Want a Continuation…

Fantasy Manga

Manga With a Hero Like Naruto

Manga With An Epic Rivalry

Naruto will always be there for us to reread and relive all the epic emotions that it brings us. But sometimes we want something a little bit similar, but also a little bit different, you know? If you want manga like One Piece or Death Note, we have those too! Being the son of the Seventh Hokage hasn’t been great for Boruto Uzumaki. His dad doesn’t give him the time of day, and he’s starting Ninja Academy and is going to be assigned to a team. Boruto follows the life of Naruto’s son where he has to pass the Chunin exam, fight dangerous enemies, and try his hardest to reconnect with his father. Instead of ninjas we have soul reapers. Ichigo Kurosaki is a normal teenager…if you count seeing ghosts as normal, of course. This gift lets him meet Rukia Kuchiki, a reaper who comes into his room to search for a Hollow, an evil lost soul who can harm humans and ghosts. In Soul Eater, there exist Death Scythes, these weapons that the Shinigami want to wield in order to save their world. However, Death Scythes are not weapons…not entirely. They are born from human hybrids who can transform their bodies into Demon Weapons and only after they have consumed 100 souls (99 from evil beings and one from a witch), they can be Death Scythes. Soul Eater Evans and his meister Maka want to achieve just that! There exists the Abyss, a dark realm home to horrible monsters called “Chains.” Oz Vessalius, the heir to the noble Vessalius family, thinks this is a children’s tale to make them have nightmares. But it’s not until his coming-of-age ceremony where he finds out that everything he was told is real. He is sent to the Abyss for crimes he did not commit (nor remembers!). To escape the Abyss he will have to make a contract with a Chain named Alice. Tanjiro comes home one day to find his whole family murdered by demons. The only survivor is his sister. Though her fate was worse because she was turned into a demon. Tanjiro will do anything to help his sister turn back into a human and avenge his whole family. Gon wants to find his father who left him when he was very, very young. To find him, he must become a Hunter so he can travel the world and search for information available only to Hunters. In his journey to find his dad, Gon meets Killua, a kid just like him, except he is a former assassin. These two will enter adventures so fun and intense, you won’t be able to stop reading. Rin Okomura’s life changes completely when he finds out he is the son of Satan himself. After that, his adoptive father is possessed by Satan and dies, leaving Rin and his twin brother Yukio alone. Rin and Yukio decide to become an exorcist just like their father to go after their old man. This manga can also be featured in the category below because of the rivalry between Asta’s childhood friend, Yuno, and himself. Yuno has magic and also harbors the same dream as him. In order to achieve his dream, Asta decides to train every single day so, even though he has no magic, he can catch up to Yuno. You can clearly see some similarities with their relationship and Naruto and Sasuke’s. In Seraph of the End, the world is wiped by a virus which kills people over the age of 13. Vampires take that opportunity and appear after years of hiding, taking humans as blood bags. The protagonist, Yuuichirou, and his friends get taken, but soon enough, they find a way to escape. It doesn’t go as planned and Yuuichirou is the sole survivor of their little escape crew. But he doesn’t know his childhood friend also survived and has become a vampire. When Ryuk, a Shinigami, drops a Death Note on Earth, he didn’t really expect a high school kid to pick it up. Light’s first idea is to cleanse the world of corruption and criminals, but this perfect world he wants to create isn’t appealing for other people, like the police. They enlist the help of a mastermind detective, L. These two will have incredible, smart, and outstanding battles.

These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 80These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 31These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 83These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 50These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 38These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 26These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 13These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 67These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 22These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 39These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 1These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 90These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 49These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 25These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 13These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 43These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 84These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 17These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 49These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 63These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 60These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 39These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 86These 10 Manga Like NARUTO Are Giving You Heroes To Root For - 5