Killing Stalking is a manhwa written by Koogi and first published in 2016. The story follows Yoon Bum, a quiet guy who has a crush on popular Sangwoo. The crush turns into obsession very quickly and one night, Yoon Bum finds himself entering Sangwoo’s house while the other is away. When he finds a woman imprisoned in Sangwoo’s basement, the reality of it all slaps him in the face: Sangwoo is a serial killer. And he just became his captive. Before reading the story (if you haven’t yet) you should be aware of the content. The manhwa deals with heavy themes like rape, abuse, violence, gore, torture, death, sexual assault, and so much more. This is a manhwa for 18+ readers. We also want to emphasize that Killing Stalking is not a romance.

Horror Manga Like Killing Stalking

Manga and Manhwa With Serial Killers

Obsessive, Toxic Love Manhwa Like Killing Stalking

You better sleep with one eye open when you’re done reading these mangas and manhwas. If you want a cleanser after experiencing all of that, how about reading some romance comics or manhwa like Solo Leveling? His life really takes a turn for the worse when he gets kidnapped and wakes up in a warehouse. The scar-faced kidnapper wants too much from him, mainly to remember certain things in his life. But Dohyun is finding it hard to think of anything except his current situation. After his encounter with Rize, he is taken to a hospital where he undergoes surgery. But instead of returning to his old self, he finds out they have made him a half-ghoul, a being that has to consume flesh to survive. He wakes up inside a room with no knowledge of how he got there in the first place. With some luck, he manages to enter the second room, only to find a new person inside. Clues, creepy closets, and deadly decisions will bring excitement and terrifying moments to his life. This is the story of Kazuki and how he encounters this being. When she is out of danger, she realizes she isn’t in Tokyo anymore, but in an unknown city where skyscrapers take up all the space. You can’t go down or else you will die, so the only way to not get killed is to fight these masked figures or jump off of the tall buildings. Jin has a difficult life. In school, he constantly gets bullied for his disabilities. But it’s back home where his problems really reside because he has to witness his father kidnap women and kill them in front of him. How can he stop his father’s reign of terror without becoming the next victim? With a comical air, this story brings together three similar people who kill for different reasons. They don’t trust each other, they even hate each other. But somehow, now, they’re working together! An Uncomfortable Truth tells the story of two brothers, Jaeha and Yoseob, and the mysterious relationship between them. You get to witness their lives, going to school, having crushes, and…Yoseob’s obsessive love towards Jaeha. You better not get cozy with Jaeha because his little brother is watching. This comic contains triggering content, such as graphic depictions of violence, imprisonment, bondage, and rape.

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